K.Onasch en A.Schnieper. Ikonen. Fascinatie en werkelijkheid. Kok, Kampen. Ramsj
Anastasia Drandaki. Greek Icons
Ol’ga Popova e.a. Ikonen. Tirion, Baarn. Only second hand
Lilia Evseyeva e.a. A history of icon painting. Moskou, 2005
Euphrosyne Doxiadis. The mysterious Fayum Portraits. Thames and Hudson, London 1995
Eddy van den Brink. Van Romeins tot Romaans. Meinema, Zoetermeer 2000
The "Painter's Manual" of Dionysius of Fourna. Vert. door Paul Hetherington. Oakwood Publications,Torrance, California, 1974
The Light of Christ. Iconography of Gregory Krug. St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, Crestwood NY, USA 1990
and some dogma:
What do you know about icons? Vert. door Konstantine Terzopoulos. Etoimasia Publications, Kareas, Attiki, Greece
Pelikan, J. The spirit of eastern christendom (600-1700). The christian tradition, deel 2. Chicago-Londen, 1974
Egon Sendler. The Icon. Image of the invisible.
Leonid Uspensky & Vladimir Lossky. The Meaning of Icons. St. Vladimir's Seminar Press, Crestwood NY, USA 1999)
John Jadik's Bookshelf has a vast bibliography and not only.
Orthodox Wiki of course is a broad Reference Manual